
Showing posts from April, 2018

At The Foot Of The Cross

I like a lot of the old classic hymns, but there is one that I struggle to sing – The Old Rugged Cross .  I understand that George Bennard’s masterpiece has an allure to a lot of people, but honestly, there are some phrases that get stuck in my mind and in my heart.  I find it hard to vocalize that “I love that old cross” or that I can see its “wondrous beauty”.  No, I don’t have any scriptural issues with the song, nor do I feel we should stop singing it – it’s just not one of my favorites. While I may struggle with Mr. Bennard’s description of the cross, I do appreciate the imagery of emotionally standing at the foot of the cross and being reminded of its lessons.   When I look at the cross, here are a few things I notice: 1).   My inability to be personally successful in life .   Everything I have and everything I hope for comes from Jesus.   Whether it is internal peace or external success, it all dependent upon His work in my life. ...

The Simple Life

I enjoy traveling.  It is fun to see and experience new destinations.  Typically, I even enjoy the actual process of traveling – there is still something neat about getting on airplane.  While I get excited about traveling, there is one part of it with which I have a love-hate relationship – booking the travel.  Well, let me rephrase that; by the time I get to the point of booking travel, I am relieved, my issue comes with the planning.  I can spend hours (and hours) investigating the best locations and the cheapest deals to get us there.  About the time I think I am ready to make a decision I am tempted to consider one more option or wonder, “You know, what if we ...?”.  I am sure that there have been times when I have spent more time planning than I did traveling.  Sometimes I just make it harder than it should be! The reason for this revelation is that I see a parallel in spiritual living.   Christianity is a simple process.   Aft...

Seeing Jesus

When we look back on the life of Jesus it is difficult to not see Him through modern lenses.   Our perception is shaped by centuries of theology and decades of personal religion.   Yet, if we could imagine it, what would it have been like to experience Jesus during His lifetime?   The New Testament does a good job of painting the “life and times of Jesus” and helps us to understand how Jesus was perceived during His days on earth: 1.   Some people saw Jesus as a curiosity .   Here was a master teacher who had the ability to do miraculous signs (and if you happened to be there on the right day you might get a free meal out of the deal).   That had to have been worth the trip out of town to see Him!   Jesus’ uniqueness may have been viewed by some merely as a sideshow. 2 .   Some people saw Jesus as a hero .   One of the basic claims of Jesus was that He was the Messiah – the Deliverer.   Whether the Jewish leadership wanted to admit...


The other day I was backing out of a parking space at a local supermarket parking lot.  I did the cursory look in the rear view mirror and a glace over each shoulder, then began backing out.  Shortly after I started moving I heard a horn honk which caused me to hit my brakes and almost spill my Diet Coke.  My first response was irritation that the guy was honking at me (how rude), then it dawned me that his honking was in my best interest and had been prompted by my own inappropriate actions.  I might have been miffed that he had the audacity to honk at me, but he saved me a lot of time and money when he highlighted my mistake.  I was embarrassed that he let everyone else know I was in the wrong, but I was less embarrassed than I would have been standing in a crowded parking lot awaiting the arrival of a deputy. As I reflected on my moment in the parking lot, I was reminded of the presence of “protectors” in my life.   Whether it is God, Himself or thos...