
We live in a world with almost 7.5 billion people.  Our nation has over 300 million citizens.  When we go to Wal-Mart or drive down Three Notch Road we lament the crowds.  The evidence suggests that there are people all around us; yet, almost inexplicably, we also have a society that wrestles with loneliness.  CBS News cited a 2016 Harris Poll that indicated 72% of us experience some kind of loneliness and about one-third of us feel it weekly.  Fortune Magazine referenced research done in 2010 by AARP that indicted 40-45% of people felt a sense of loneliness.  Even when we are tripping over one another, there is a tendency to feel lonely.

Loneliness is a social concern; but, it can also be a spiritual issue.  The Bible provides resources for people who deal with a feeling of isolation; but, it also challenges us to be proactive in reaching out to people who are struggling.  The Apostle Paul instructed, “Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) while the Apostle John challenged, “… whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?” (I John 3:17)  No, loneliness isn’t specifically mentioned as something that Christians should address; but, the challenge fits within the idea of helping those who need it. 

How can we help people who struggle with loneliness:

1)  Look into the shadows.  Most lonely people will not stand out  – that this the nature of their personality.  Typically, they are found just outside the activity.  They would like to be a part of the group; but, they won’t do it on their own.  By looking at the fringe of our personal social network we will see people who can use a friend.

2)  Find a connection.  Lonely people haven’t found a way to belong; so they may need a little help.  If we dig hard enough we will probably discover something we have in common with people and that can be used to deepen a relationship.  Maybe it is hometown, a sports team, a favorite entertainment genre … anything we share can also be the beginning of a bridge.

3)  Offer a smile, a handshake or a hug.  People need people; but, more than anything they need a physical connection.  Modern society is very adept at connecting through social media; but, if we are going to make headway on the issue of loneliness, we need to do it in person.  Sometimes it is something as simple as a smile that will help us relate to people.  Others long for the human interaction brought by a handshake or hug.  Remember, they know what brings them comfort, so ask them what they need.

The Lord’s church is open to everyone.  Showing a lonely planet that God loves them and that we welcome them can be a powerful evangelistic tool to outsiders and a source of strength to the brethren.

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