Making Me
I am sure that my parents got tired of hearing “You made me do
it!” or “You make me so mad!”. My sister and I got along pretty well; but,
like all siblings we had our moments when my folks may have wondered why they’d
ever had children! Eventually Kim and I matured
and grew out of our childish banter; but, it would be years before I would learn one of the most
important lessons of my life – no one can make me do anything I don’t choose to
do. Sure, there are people (or agencies)
who can overcome our physical strength; but, when it comes to matters of
attitude; I, alone, am the captain of that ship. I may not be able to dictate all of the
circumstances in my life; but, I get to choose my response them. In contrast to my childish rant, no one can
make me do “it” and no one can make me mad (or happy or sad or any number of
other emotions).
As we look at the issue of personal choice, we see the important
role it has in our lives. Take, for
example, that we get to choose our …
… attitudes – This may be the most powerful application of the
concept of choice. It is up to me to
decide how I experience life. My happiness,
bitterness, contentment, disappointment and joy are all under my control, I
just have to select the one(s) I allow to influence my life.
…. disposition – When we think about a person’s innate view of the
world we typically narrow it down to either optimism or pessimism. We are blessed to pick which it will be. We get to decide if we see the glass as being
half empty or half full.
… priorities – It is easy and natural to feel the pressures of
the various parts of our lives playing tug-of-war with us. While this can be a challenge, the positive
side of this is that we get to choose what we place at the top of our
list. Not choosing is not an option;
because, then, the urgent will always overwhelm the important.
… eternity – The most important choice we make is who will
control our lives. We can select God to
save us or satan to condemn us. Our
charge is the same one Joshua issued to his contemporaries centuries ago, “If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the
Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which
your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and
my house, we will serve the Lord .” (Joshua 24:15)
We have a responsibility to choose wisely. Circumstances
may not always be easy; but, we have the ability to decide our present and
shape our future. Let’s live with
purpose and control because our today and tomorrow depend upon it.