Spiritual Computer Safety
When I took a computer class in college the
highlight of the course was getting to actually see the computer – which was
housed in a room by itself. During the
semester I also remember seeing a smaller piece of equipment (I think they
called it a “personal computer” because of it its size), but I didn’t pay too much attention to it
because, after all, if it took a computer the size of a classroom to do simple
accounting processes what could that dinky thing do? That was circa 1980 ... it is incredible how
things have changed!
Often, when we discuss computers and spirituality,
we tend to focus on pornography, but that’s not the direction I want to take
this discussion. Computers – complete
with the development of the internet and the prevalence of social media –
impact our mind and our spirit just about every day. In light of this, I want to provide a few
suggestions for keeping us spiritually safe in the modern technological world.
1. Don’t
take to heart everything we see on the computer. There is a lot of talk about “fake news”
today, but the fakeness doesn’t stop there:
there is also false religion, pseudo-spiritual advice and ungodly
gossip. Let’s be diligent in our quest
for truth and remember the challenge, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but
test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false
prophets have gone out into the world.” (I John 4:1).
2. When the computer starts to get us down, take a break. The “web” can ensnare even the best of
us. It is easy to become discouraged
(and even angry) at all we see today, but it is tempting to keep looking at
it. When we start to feel overwhelmed by
all the negatives, let’s take a break and shut down (both our device and our
brain). Let’s be okay with turning off the machine and
tuning in to the good in the world. Paul
reminds us, “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is
honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on
these things.” (Philippians 4:8).
3. Be willing to disconnect from certain
people. A case can be made for the
freedom to be able to send and say whatever people choose, but that doesn’t
mean we have to be exposed to it. We
don’t have to accept all “friend requests” and we can ask people to stop forwarding
us stuff we don’t want. We must remember
to be gracious (but, pointed) if we choose to explain why we are severing our
electronic relationship. If we choose
not to explain, it is okay to just say, “Please stop!”.
Machines are supposed to work for us and make
things easier. Let’s remember that our
computers (whether they sit on our desk or are carried in our pocket) are
tools, not our lifeblood.