Weddings And Marriages

I don’t think that June is as much of the wedding month that is was in days gone by, but whenever I think of June I think about weddings.  While weddings are important in our culture, there is something even more important – the years that follow the ceremony.  It is great to have a wedding that goes off without a hitch, bur the greater goal is a good marriage.
What does it take to have a lasting marriage:
1.  Commitment.  One of the first things I tell couples who want me to do their wedding is to plan for something going wrong during the ceremony.  I don’t intend to be a pessimist, I just don’t want people to place too much emphasis on the “perfect wedding”.  Something will happen and we get through it.  This is a good observation about the marriage, too.  There is no such thing as a perfect marriage – something is going to happen – so deal with issues and move on.  Problems can be expected throughout the decades of the marriage, the key is being committed to each other and the marriage.  When we work together to weather whatever happens, we are on the track to a successful marriage.
2.  Friendship.  Would you attempt any type of long-term, close relationship with anyone other than someone you liked?  Marrying a good friend is a great way to start off your long-term commitment.  A successful marriage isn’t merely the product of a beautiful bride and handsome groom, it is born in friendship.  Yes, people will grow closer together through the years, but unless the initial relationship is built upon friendship, the ensuing years can be difficult.
3.  Playfulness.  This isn’t a word that is often used to describe marriage, but I believe it is important.  Sure, marriage is serious business and will face difficult times, but when husbands and wives have fun together things will be better.  Whether it’s in romance, hanging out or just finding ways to have fun together, playfulness can keep the relationship fresh and fun.
4.  Love.  The single most important aspect of marriage is love.  Love is wanting the best for another person and being committed to making it happen.  I Corinthians 13:4-7 is a common reading during wedding ceremonies, but is should also be the foundation upon which the marriage is built.  In case you haven’t seen it lately, here is God’s definition of love:
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Weddings are nice but marriage is real thing.  God created marriage to help us enjoy this life, let’s do what we can to make it more for the better and less of the worse. 

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